
Refugee student wins Young Journalist Award

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05 September 2017Sara Sona from St Dominic鈥檚 School in Broadmeadows

Australian Catholics magazine, in conjunction with Australian Catholic University, have announced the winners of this year’s Young Journalist Award. More than 1,000 students from across Australia entered this year’s awards – a record number of entries. This year’s theme was ‘Justice Heroes’. Students were asked to write about a hero from their own community.

from in Broadmeadows, is this year’s Junior Section (Years 5 and 6) winner. Sara, a refugee from Iraq, wrote about how her family fled ISIS into Jordan, where she encountered her ‘justice heroes’ – Caritas. She writes:

People from an organisation called Caritas Jordan welcomed us when we arrived in Jordan. They helped us get some food and clothes and a place to live. We had to live with ten other families at the same place but I thank God that we were safe. The Caritas people were very kind, trying to make us forget the pain of leaving our families and friends in Iraq. There were some teachers from Caritas coming to help the children to learn English. 

'The life I have now would not have been possible without the wonderful people of Caritas. They are the real justice heroes and I would never forget them.'

The runner-up in the Intermediate Section (Years 7, 8 and 9), , is from in Tarneit. Shaun’s ‘justice hero’ was his parish priest, Fr Jude Pirotta MSSP.

The award, now in its 21st year, is aimed at encouraging students in Catholic schools to use the media to make a difference. Students are encouraged to find inspiring people and stories in their community and to share those stories with the world.

Read more about Sara's story on the .