
Mercy in our Community

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20 June 2018

Mercy CollegeMercy College students have come to the aid of a seriously injured student of a neighbouring school who had suffered a significant fall from her bike.

On the bus-journey home, Mercy College students witnessed Coburg High student, Erica, suffer a considerable fall on her bike-ride home. Year 7 Mercy students Natasha Ferguson and Angelica Israel alerted the bus driver to the situation, and immediately called for an ambulance.

Senior Mercy students Dounia Assafiri, Amal Assafiri, Doha Assafiri and Rayan Annous left the bus and stayed with Erica until the ambulance and a parent arrived at the scene.

Last week, Erica and her mother attended Mercy College for morning tea to express their appreciation and to formally thank the quick-thinking Mercy students who didn’t hesitate to offer support when another student was in great need.

‘It’s great to see young people stepping up in situations like this’, said Erica’s mother.

Erica and our Mercy students involved in the incident shared morning tea together and recounted their memories from the day. Erica shared that she has ‘immense respect for all these girls’ who were involved in making sure she was safe when it mattered most.

Their story made the front page of the on 18 June 2018.