
LEGO Masters bring books to life

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LEGO Masters competition.3 September 2020

The LEGO Masters at , Altona North and Point Cook, have been working on weekly challenges to test their creativity, imagination and LEGO skills. Over the weeks of Term 3, the themes have included ‘robots’, ‘rooms’ and ‘bring a book to life’. The competition has been a huge success, and has given the students a great way to have creative fun and engage with their friends at school.

Obi Elechi (Year 10) said: ‘Emmanuel College’s annual LEGO Masters Competition gives students, like myself, a chance to express ourselves in an extremely creative fashion. Especially in recent circumstances, this event has given students an opportunity to have fun by competing against fellow classmates and peers.’

The LEGO Masters Competition has been run at both campuses over the years, but was run as virtual event for the first time this year. As one of the organisers, the new librarian Sarah Derrig, has taken it as an opportunity to get to know some of the students. ‘As our students headed back to remote learning in Term 3, we wanted to ensure that our library programs could still run and that students would know that the library was there for them, even if virtually. In the past, our library LEGO Masters Competition had been run in person across both campuses; for remote learning, we made the switch to a virtual competition and it was a resounding success.

‘By using the theme of “bring a book to life”, students could revisit their favourite books and use their imagination and creative skills and step away from the computer screen. It was incredibly difficult for the judges to choose a winner each week as every submission was fantastic. As our virtual competition comes to a close, we are already planning more virtual library programs. It has been a wonderful way of connecting with our students during remote learning and the library’s way of boosting morale.’