
Intercultural Expo 2022

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22 November 2022

The intercultural expo at Catholic Regional College, Melton, was an initiative that emerged from listening to students’ voices and responding to their expressed needs in relation to cultural recognition as a key component of their engagement in schooling.

Students and staff hosted exhibition stands displaying objects, food and traditional dress, and shared dances and stories that represent their unique cultures. The event was an opportunity to strengthen the relationships between different groups, working towards building a community where everyone can freely and safely express themselves.

Students valued the chance to learn more about each other’s backgrounds and to hear the unique stories of different community members. Sharing precious items that mean so much to students and their families, telling the story behind each taonga (prized possession), ‘breaking bread’ with each other, wearing traditional clothing – the incredible efforts the community put in to make this event so fantastic surpassed all expectations.