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Birmingham hits the panic button with Gonski ads

Simon Birmingham has the back to school panics – but they’re not over whether the kids’ have the right shoes or if their textbooks are all covered.


Reshuffle regrettable missed opportunity

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has missed a major opportunity to win back the trust and confidence of Catholic school communities.


Birmingham ‘confused’ about fee rises? We can set him straight

Education Minister Simon Birmingham is reportedly ‘confused’ about fee increases in Catholic schools stemming from his own funding model.


Save Our Schools – the stopped clock of education policy

The Turnbull Government’s Gonski 2.0 package massively over-funds wealthy independent schools.


Auditor General’s report shows a broken system

The Auditor General's report Monitoring the Impact of Australian Government School Funding shows how school funding needs fundamental change, not tinkering.


Birmingham forgets disability details

Simon Birmingham’s recent comments fails to recognise crucial details


New data exposes school funding flaws

Catholic and other inclusive non-government schools are being short-changed.


National School Resourcing Board must be truly independent

The National School Resourcing Board announced today  must be truly independent, CECV Executive Director, Stephen Elder, has warned.


The Class of 2017 ready for the VCE

Backed by our thoughts and prayers, over 14,000 Year 12s across Victoria’s Catholic schools are making final preparations ahead of the VCE exams.


Birmingham entrenches two-speed system that favours wealthy independent schools

Education Minister Simon Birmingham is entrenching discrimination against Catholic and other religious school systems by refusing to revisit funding anomalies.


Independent schools gaming disability funding

Freedom of Information data has confirmed wealthy independent schools are gaming the new federal funding system for students with a disability.


Quality – and quantity

Education Minister's proposals for a new national test to assess the literacy and numeracy standards of Year 1s expose the contradictions of the Turnbull Government’s approach to schools.


Child safety milestone marked

The first 15 participants in Australia’s only dedicated tertiary course in child protection have used Child Safety Week to mark the end of the coursework component of their study.


Catholic school salary agreement reached, but funding fears prevent longer deal

The CECV and the Independent Education Union Victoria Tasmania have agreed to pay rises for 28,000 Catholic school staff.


So much for the end of the ‘special deals’

The Turnbull government has finally admitted its Gonski 2.0 funding model permanently disadvantages systemic schools.


Who’s misleading using taxpayer funds, Minister?

Education Minister Simon Birmingham says Catholic education has been misleading parents using taxpayer funds.


Birmingham’s brinkmanship costs Catholic schools another $1 billion

The Turnbull’s government policy-making on the run will cost Catholic schools a further $1 billion over the next decade.


School funding facts campaign enters new zone

The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV) is taking the fair funding campaign to ordinary Australians.


How can you have fair needs-based funding without fixing school SES scores?

School review members are urging the Senate to pass Simon Birmingham's education bill. 


Senators need to know the facts about Birmingham’s dodgy funding figures

Education Minister must stop misleading colleagues and parents and school communities with dodgy figures...


If the Prime Minister is right, so many are wrong

In an exchange during Question Time yesterday, Prime Minister Turnbull refuted comments made on 2GB by CEM Executive Director, Stephen Elder.