
Bill Shorten is committed to Catholic schools, but where is Malcolm Turnbull?

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11 May 2018

Last night’s commitment by Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten, to restore funding to Catholic schools cut by the Turnbull Government has been welcomed by Catholic school communities across Victoria says Executive Director of Catholic Education, Stephen Elder.

‘Mr Shorten’s commitment to restore $17 billion in school funding over the next decade, cut by Malcolm Turnbull last May, confirms that the Australian Labor Party have been listening to our concerns,’ Mr Elder said.

‘Labor’s commitment ensures that the parents of thousands students in Victorian Catholic schools do not face unrealistic fee rises demanded by the Turnbull education funding policy.’

‘It is very clear to everyone involved in Catholic education around Australia that the ALP is the only party committed to parent choice in education.’

The Opposition Leader’s comments echo his letter sent to Archbishop Denis Hart in March this year, stating that if in government, the ALP would restore $17 billion cut from schools, which would result in Catholic schools being more than $250 million better off in the first two years of a Shorten-led government.

Mr Elder said that in reiterating this commitment in his budget reply speech last night, Mr Shorten had upped the ante for the Turnbull Government to find a solution for Catholic schools.

‘The difference between the Government and the Opposition is stark,’ he said.

‘Malcolm Turnbull must instruct his education minister to act now to ensure thousands of Catholic school students are properly funded.

‘To not do so would put his government at peril.

‘As the Catholic sector has already shown, we will not be taking the Turnbull Government’s funding cuts lying down.

‘We will being doing everything in our power to make sure that our families, and the communities they live in, know the facts about school funding come the next election.’

Further information: Christian Kerr, 0402 977 352