
We want to engage on real reform

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7 February 2018

Catholic education nation-wide always wants to work with representatives of all non-government schools on real reform, Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) Executive Director Stephen Elder says.

‘Back in 2012, six years and three prime ministers ago, the final report of Gonski review panel told the federal government to:

As soon as possible develop, trial and implement a new measure for estimating the quantum of the anticipated private contribution for non-government schools in consultation with the states, territories and non-government sectors.

‘They continued:

The current SES measure is … subject to a potentially large degree of inaccuracy as the students attending a particular school are not necessarily representative of the socioeconomic averages of the areas in which they live. A more precise measure of the SES of a school would be more accurate and credible. The panel considers that work should commence as a priority to develop a more precise measure of capacity to contribute to replace the existing SES measure.

‘That review – a review that should have come before Gonski 2.0 – is only now just underway.

‘We welcome it – but we also want it to be fair dinkum. We want the review to be open, transparent and thorough – and we want all the associated issues aired and canvassed thoroughly in public debate too.

‘We’re sure the independent sector agrees with these aims.

‘We’re already doing the hard yards, releasing research exposing the failings and anomalies of the current system for funding non-government schools.

‘We’re revealing how Malcolm Turnbull’s and Simon Birmingham’s policies are failing to fund schools in need and failing to meet their self-state goal of improving education outcomes.

‘We’re fighting for a fair funding deal for all non-government schools, for good education outcomes, good public policy, good process and good value for money for taxpayers.

‘We don’t want the government to triumph in petty divide and conquer games. Children’s education is too important.

‘We’re fighting for the entire non-government sector and want independent schools fighting alongside us, not making vague threats and muttering appeasement.’

Further information: Christian Kerr, Media Adviser, 0402 977 352

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