
Funding brinkmanship will see schools and students suffer

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14 December 2018

Teaching and learning in Victorian Catholic schools will suffer thanks to the failure of the State and Commonwealth Governments to reach an agreement on education funding, Catholic Education 吃瓜不打烊 Acting Executive Director Jim Miles says.

‘This will have a real impact,’ Mr Miles said. ‘It will leave the 210,000 plus students – almost one in four Victorian school children – in almost 500 Catholic schools state wide exposed, along with the 28,000 staff that support them.

‘If schools do not receive their Commonwealth payment as scheduled in January, it is likely they will require bridging finance to pay their staff and continue operations.

‘The cost of these funds will directly reduce the resources that schools can spend on teaching and learning.

‘This unwarranted waste of money will make a mockery of talk of putting students first.

‘The Victorian and Commonwealth Governments need to swallow their pride, end their standoff and reach an agreement that will let funds flow.

‘If they continue with a resolution they will make students suffer, not just in Catholic but in all nongovernment schools state wide.’

Further information: Christian Kerr 0402 977 352

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